Sms HELP TRN to 54959 and get the list of services and their commands.
Sms TRNLINK to 54959 and receive the link to access these services via WAP (mobile browser).
Railways Services
Sms TRNLINK to 54959 and receive the link to access these services via WAP (mobile browser).
Railways Services
Train Help Command
Sms HELP TRN to 54959
Sms HELP TRN to 54959
PNR Status
Sms PNR <10-digit PNR No.> to 54959
Sms PNR <10-digit PNR No.> to 54959
Ticket Availability
Sms TRNAV <Train No.> <Source> <Destination><DDMM> <Class> to 54959
Sms TRNAV <Train No.> <Source> <Destination><DDMM> <Class> to 54959
Trains Between Two Stations
Sms TRNBT <Source> <Destination> to 54959
Sms TRNBT <Source> <Destination> to 54959
Train Schedule (send the first few characters of the train name)
Sms TRNSH <first few characters of the train name> to 54959
Sms TRNSH <first few characters of the train name> to 54959
Train Schedule (by Train No.)
Sms TRNSH <Train No.> to 54959
Sms TRNSH <Train No.> to 54959
Access via WAP (Mobile Browser)
Sms TRNLINK to 54959
Sms TRNLINK to 54959
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